you are a vibrational transmitter and receiver

The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational pattern that doesn't match the vibration of your desire.

Pause. If you read that and are starting to contemplate the science behind that statement (like I once did), I want you to read or skim through this article before continuing with mine. The Hippies Were Right: It's All about Vibrations, Man!

If you're choosing to just continue on here, that article I linked discusses how all things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating- even objects that appear to be stationary. It states, “an interesting phenomenon occurs when different vibrating things/processes come into proximity: they will often start, after a little time, to vibrate together at the same frequency.” The framework behind studies on vibration, resonance and frequency is the study of human consciousness, neurobiology and biophysics.

So, if we begin to understand our thoughts are vibrations, we can put ourselves in a vibrational place of receiving all that we are asking for. You just have to feel a desire to do so in your being, and this desire is the beginning of all attraction.

There is a current of energy that runs through the Universe and everything and everyone is affected by it. It's key to be aware that this current exists and understand that we can mold this energy through our power of focus by thinking, remembering, imagining, speaking, writing, listening, and so on.

This directly ties in with the Law of Attraction, which says, “that which is like unto itself is drawn”, meaning that every thought attracts a matching signal back. Nothing is going to occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through thought.

One thing that I learned after reading “Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, was that “if there is something that you desire that you currently do not have, and you put your attention upon your current state of not having it, then law of attraction will continue to match that not having it vibration”. When we are manifesting, we can't be coming from the place of anger, sadness or jealousy because we lack this thing we are manifesting.

We cannot wait for our condition to change to then start aligning our vibration to what we really desire, we need to begin there, then watch our condition change. The stream of well-being and source energy is always flowing within us, we either allow it, or resist it. When you are feeling blessed and expecting good things to come to you, it indicates you have a high level of allowing.

Whether or not you believe it, you are a vibrational being. You are a transmitter and receiver, and your present and future circumstances begin to change in response to the signals you put out every moment.

It is impossible to exclude anything you give your attention to from your vibration. In this attraction-based Universe, saying yes to something is included just as much as saying no is. If you are giving any bit of attention to a subject, it affects your vibration. This is why we must learn to observe and understand what vibrations make us feel in harmony with our true selves.

Your emotions act as a navigational system. Apple Maps never asks you "where have you been?” or “why have you been there so long?” when you put in an address. Its only mission is to assist you in getting from where you are to where you want to be.

Emotions and their Frequencies

As your emotions are giving you specific feedback about your vibration, you can proceed with any deliberate and gradual adjustments. You should always try to reach for the best-feeling thought that you have access to. Any intensifying negative emotions mean that you are going in the wrong direction.

We can feel confused sometimes because we are flowing our energy in opposing directions. We are experiencing extreme vibrational disharmony. We are easily influenced by vibrations of those who surround us, circumstances that we are under and the desire for instant gratification.

One practice of raising your vibration is appreciation. When we are appreciating ourselves and others, we are the closest vibrational matches to our source energy. When we are focused on something or someone we appreciate, that choice of thought is so similar to who we really are, and there is no contradiction in our energy. It makes us feel good. In opposition, the vibration of criticism is very different from that of your source.

If you do not do something that causes a different vibrational offering, then nothing in your experience can change. The most important thing you can do for yourself, is write down or notice how you are feeling right now and how you would like to feel. Masking your emotions and who you truly are does nothing to change your vibration, it just causes confusion.

Deliberate creation is the goal. Deliberately guiding your thoughts in good-feeling directions. After a while, the Law of Attraction will give you the feeling of control, which we all like. The more often you visit a thought, the more familiar the vibration becomes. It's about repetition and allowing yourself to fully trust and believe in this thought. Your life experience is unfolding in response to the vibrations that radiate as a result of your thoughts, so reach for the good ones!


my first breathwork experience


sun soul studio